Our Program is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework, ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’, and the National Quality Framework where we were rated at the highest level as ‘Exceeding the National Quality Standard’.
To provide families with a smooth transition into school life, we start by offering a playgroup for families to attend with their children. Please see below for a list of what is on offer in the Early Learning Centre:
Playgroup – Thursday and Friday mornings – 9.00am to 10.30am (children aged 0-4 years and their parents/caregivers)
Joeys Preschool – Monday and Tuesday – 8.30am to 2.45pm (children turning four years any time in the year of enrolment)
Echidnas Preschool – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – 8.30am to 2.45pm (children turning four years before 30 April in the year of enrolment). Please note that the majority of children in this class will be turning five years of age.
Possums Preschool – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – 8.30am to 2.45pm (children turning four years before 30 April in the year of enrolment) Please note that the majority of children in this class will be turning five years of age.
Koalas Preschool – three, four or five days per week – 8.30am to 2.45pm (children turning four years before 30 April in the year of enrolment). Please note that the majority of children in this class will be turning five years of age.
Bush Preschool – Thursdays and Fridays. Available for children attending Possums or Koalas.
Preschool is the preferred year of entry into Lindisfarne. Enrolment in the Preschool program will guarantee a position in Kindergarten. It is an expectation that children enrolled in Preschool will continue to Kindergarten.
Children move to Kindergarten (known as Prep in Queensland) after successfully completing our school readiness screening. This ensures every child has the knowledge and skills to succeed in Kindergarten. Children commencing Kindergarten should turn five (5) years of age by 30 April of the year of entry.
Bush Preschool
A child’s ability to access nature and learn outdoors is fundamental within the National Quality Framework. Learning outdoors promotes a child’s health through relaxation, physical activity and spontaneous experiences. By placing children in a natural outdoor setting, they have the opportunity for independent exploration and to participate in real-life projects and care for the environment they live in. Our Bush Preschool is structured as a regular excursion held on Thursdays and Fridays and is available to an intimate group of 12 children as an extra Preschool day.