Music can be enjoyed in so many different forms and means so many different things to different people. Broken down into its many components, music is a science, it is mathematical, it is a foreign language, it is history, it is physical, it teaches the listener to recognise beauty, it is a discipline but most of all it is good for us. It allows a person to combine well-rehearsed techniques to create emotion.
At Lindisfarne, well-rehearsed techniques are showcased in the following ways.
- Student involvement in a range of co-curricular ensembles across our three subschools.
- Ensemble involvement in school and community performances.
- Annual Artist in Residence program which involves industry professionals working and performing alongside our students.
- Stage 2 Strings Program in the Junior School.
- Year 4 and Year 5 Band Program with each student learning a woodwind or brass instrument.
- Biennial Senior School Musical.
- Stage 2 Musical.
- Stage 3 Showcase performance, involving all students from Years 5 and 6 in a Performing Arts variety extravaganza.
- Student involvement in the annual Heads of Independent Co-educational Schools (HICES) Music Festivals.
- Year 12 students present their performance and composition work.
Music students also support school and community events throughout the year including our ANZAC Day services, Parents and Friends initiatives, assemblies, gala dinners, Community Christmas Carols, and student achievement celebrations, to name just a few. Each year is brought to a close with a traditional Christmas Carol service and Speech Nights.
In addition to this, Lindisfarne has established its very own recording studio where Music students are able to record their original works. This facility is connected to the School own record label, Germinate Records, and enables students to be part of the creative process, from the conception of their original ideas right through to the final product. Read more about the Lindisfarne Recording Studio and Germinate Records in The Extra Dimension.